Bounce and Fight

Karan R Gaikwad
3 min readApr 27, 2021


We have all played Angry Birds and most of us have played or at least heard of Clash Royale. Badland Brawl is a fun new experiment that is a combination of the two.

The main mechanic in the game is an Angry Birds type physics based slingshot that you use to throw various types of characters and weapons at the opponent. It is a real time PvP game where you have to fight against real players. Just like Clash Royale the main objective is to destroy the opponent’s tower. Each player carries with him or her a set of 8 cards or weapons that are randomly given during the course of the match. Each card needs energy to use and it regenerates during the course of the game. Different cards require different amounts of energy and it is this difference that keeps the game interesting. Do you use the powerful card that requires more energy or use the weak card that requires less energy is a question you keep asking. An important aspect of the game is physics. Cards that bounce a lot can be fast but can easily be bounced back by the right opponent card.

The cards and their different powers is what makes the game fun. The main weapon is the bomb that you can throw at the opponents. You can also throw arrows and fireballs. There are warriors that walk towards the opponent and push any bombs that might be in the way. One can also use the kamikaze birds that explode on contact. Each card has a particular strength but is also weak against some other card and this keeps the balance in the game.

At the end of every game you get eggs that give you cards. One can upgrade the existing characters by using these cards that drop from the eggs. You can directly buy cards and eggs from the store. Winning fights gives you coins that are needed to upgrade as well.

A timed league based tournament is the main mode in the game. As you defeat different opponents, you climb the leagues and uncover different locations. Different locations give players different cards to fight with and are wonderfully animated. There are also limited time events where you can get special rewards.

One can also be a part of the clan and help the members. You can give them the cards or ask for cards that you need. Every fight that you do adds to the points of the clan which unlocks gifts for all the members. You can also have practice matches between clan members. The community channel built within the game gives you the ability to watch fights between the top players of the game.

Badland Brawl is a beautiful game that combines two very fun mechanics. However, what is lacking seems to be the variation in the different characters that is needed to keep the game interesting for a long period of time. That being said, the game is in itself a lot of fun and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a multiplayer experience.



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